In Italy the construction using natural building materials is a trend not only amongst private builders; no, there are also more and more public buildings of wood combined with clay. The latest example was erected in Basiglio near Milan. For the “CASA DELLA MUSICA, DELLA DANZA E CENTRO ANZIANI”, which was designed by the architect Sylvia Pietta, Milan, the foundation stone, or the Steko foundation, was laid on the 24th of November 2008. The South Tyrolean building company Zimmerhofer, overall entrepreneur, I-39032 Taufers BZ, together with the country representative of Italy, Holzer KG SAS, I-39028 Schlanders built the attractive and modern building in record time; already on the 5th of April 2008 the Mayor Marco Flavio Civillo could hand over to the population the successful town building for music, dance and the elderly. Another school in Padua using STEKO® is already being planned. Responsible authorities know that in natural, healthy and environmentally friendly building skeletons better performances are possible, but that also a building substance is created for subsequent generations, which is worthy of preservation.